Mega Star Amitabh Bachchan on Sunday shared some throwback pictures with late legendary actor Dilip Kumar and called him his "idol and inspiration."
Amitabh and Dilip Kumar have worked together in the movie 'Shakti'. Duo shared a close bond. Big B took to Instagram and treated fans with a letter written by Dilip Kumar along with throwback photos. The letter read, "On Amitabh and my admiration My Dear Amitabh: With tears of pride in her eyes Saira handed over the print out of your eloquent tribute to my work in your blog. I read it once, then again and again. As you yourself would be keenly aware, we actors are completely oblivious of ourselves and our surroundings while we perform and, even when we watch our work in the rushes shown to us, our senses and vision are trained to detect shortcomings more than accomplishments." Dilip Kumar also praised the actor in the letter, which read "If any Indian actor, in my personal opinion, deserves the world's most coveted award, it is you. I have heard so much about Paa which we didn't catch up with. You know how Saira is- she never could see me die in my films and she could not muster the courage to see your death scene in Paa." "Thank you, Amitabh, for your warm love and good wishes. May God keep you, Jaya, and your family happy always," the letter concluded. Sharing the post, Amitabh wrote, "What can one say when you receive the blessings from THE Ultimate actor, DILIP KUMAR, my idol and inspiration .." Meanwhile, on the work front, Big B will be next seen in the sci-fi action thriller film 'Kalki 2898 AD' alongside Deepika Padukone and Prabhas. He also has a courtroom drama film 'Section 84' in his kitty. (ANI)