Actors Tiger Shroff and Akshay Kumar have finally wrapped up the shooting for their upcoming action thriller film 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan'.
On Thursday, the 'Heropanti' actor shared a couple of new 'muddy' pictures with his co-star Akshay and penned an adorable note for him. Taking to Instagram, he shared the pics that he captioned, "Went through some of the most intense sequences of our lives but couldnt have asked for a better partner to take on those challenges with...bade..tere peeche tera yaar khada." In the pics, both the actors could be seen flaunting their abs and muscles. They can be seen covered with a layer of thick black substance which is apparently the mud from the Dead Sea in Jordan. Akshay also shared a picture with Tiger and his team. He captioned the pic, "Tired of the same old memes, here's some new mud-terial. This is how we celebrated the end of this memorable schedule of #BadeMiyanChoteMiyan at the Dead Sea in Jordan. It's a 'wrap'!" Helmed by Ali Abbas Zafar, the film is all set to hit the theatres on the occasion of Eid 2024. Shot across locations such as Mumbai, London, Abu Dhabi, Scotland, and Jordan, this pan-India film is creating buzz for its grand scale and Hollywood-style cinematic visuals. The film features Prithviraj Sukumaran in an intriguing villainous role and also stars actors Sonakshi Sinha, Manushi Chhillar, and Alaya F in significant parts. Recently, the makers unveiled the film's official teaser which received a good response from the fans. 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan' will be facing a big Bollywood clash with Ajay Devgn's period sports drama film 'Maidaan'. (ANI)