Actor Kajol, on Friday, shared a throwback picture of herself from New Delhi's Kartavya Path.
The 'Baazigar' actor took a stroll down memory lane and dropped a picture on Instagram. In the photo, she can be seen sitting on the Kartavya Path and posing with a bright smile. She wore a T-shirt and jeans with sneakers. Along with the post, Kajol wrote, "The road belonged to me that day, and it felt good.. So, I decided to claim the entire world as my own. #flashbackfriday #goodolddays." Netizens bombarded the comment section with heart emojis. Meanwhile, on the work front, Kajol recently wrapped up shooting for 'Do Patti'. The film also stars Kriti Sanon.'Do Patti' also marks Kriti and Kajol's second collaboration after 'Dilwale'. (ANI)