Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah marked his presence at the launch of presenter Anand Pandit's five big-budget films in Bengaluru on Tuesday.
The films launched under RC Studios (a pan-Indian motion picture production, distribution and acquisition company) are 'Kabzaa 2', 'P.O.K.', 'Father', 'Dog', and 'Sri Ramabana Charita'. 'Kabzaa 2' and 'P.O.K.' will be directed by R Chandru and 'Father' by Rajamohan, while the directors for 'Sri Ramabana Charita' and 'Dog' have not been finalised yet, read a statement. On presenting the above mentioned films, Anand Pandit said , "I am thrilled to back these five projects and it was a great honour to be present at their launch. This day signals a new era in truly pan-Indian film-making. This was a historic moment and I wish RC Studios the very best and hope they reach many more cinematic milestones." More details regarding the films are awaited. (ANI)