Actor Alia Bhatt never leaves a chance to grab attention with her sartorial choices. On Monday, she attended the Pran Pratistha ceremony for the new Ram Lalla idol at Ayodhya's Ram Mandir and for this special occasion, she wore a special attire.
Alia opted for a teal coloured silk saree, which was adorned with motifs depicting the story of Ramayana.Eagle-eyed fans took notice of the attire and noticed the intricate detailing on the border of Alia's saree. The border featured the images of Lord Ram, Lord Hanuman and the Ram Setu. "Alia Bhatt wearing a saree which has Ramayana depicted on it? wow this is beautiful," a fan wrote on X. "Beautiful tribute," another wrote on X. Alia paired the saree with the matching blue shawl. Alia's husband and actor Ranbir Kapoor opted for traditional attire for the Pran Pratistha ceremony. He worte a white dhoti and kurta and an ivory shawl which featured paisley threadwork. Prior to the Pran Pratistha ceremony, Alia made headlines with her other saree look. Last week, she attended the Joy Awards in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in a bright red Ajrakh print saree from the shelves of the masters of Ajrakh work, Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla. The multi-hued number attained its gleam through an overall gold pattern. She styled the majestic six yards with a matching strapless blouse. Meanwhile, on the acting front, Alia is busy shooting for Vasan Bala's 'Jigra'. Apart from this, Alia will also be seen in director Farhan Akhtar's film 'Jee Le Zaraa' alongside Priyanka Chopra and Katrina Kaif. Recently, in an interview with US-based publication Variety, director Farhan Akhtar shared that 'Jee Le Zaraa' is on hold at the moment."We just have issues with dates, and the actor's strike that's happened has put Priyanka's dates into a huge tizzy with what can happen and what can't, so I've started genuinely believing that that film now has a destiny of its own. It'll happen when it has to, we'll see," Farhan told Variety. The film promises to be another tale of friendship in the lineage of 'Dil Chahta Hai' and 'Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara'. (ANI)