Renowned sand artist Manas Kumar Sahoo immaculately depicted the construction journey of Ram Mandir, which includes foundation stone ceremony laid of the temple by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to upcoming 'Pran Pratistha' ceremony of Ram Lalla in Ayodhya through sand animation.
Ayodhya, the birthplace of Lord Rama, that holds great spiritual, historical and cultural significance for the people of India. Sahoo stated that, "Ahead of Pran Pratistha ceremony of Ram Lalla, I have created a long sand animation flim which depicts the construction journey of Ram Mandir, including foundation stone ceremony laid by PM Narendra Modi on August 5th, 2020." "In the film, it is shown that, thousands of engineers working day-night to built magnificent Ramlalla temple in Ayodhya to fulfill the dreams of billions of Indian. Along with it, lakh of people held kalash yatra procession and the countrymen immersed in devotion. The animation is filmed with 5 minutes and 34 seconds and it took around 20 hours to complete full sand animation of Ram Mandir," Sahoo added. Earlier through his sand animation, showcased the inauguration ceremony of 'Srimandir Parikrama Prakalpa' (Heritage Corridor project). The sand animation video showcased Maharaja Shri Dibyasingh Deva offering beetle nuts, rice and coconut to Rajguru, and Rajguru instructing the Brahmin community to perform all the rituals of the festival and the Yagya flawlessly. Brahmins commencing the event, invoking the Trideva, and the vision of the Trideva portrayed by Manas Sahoo through sand animation. He also showcased the scene of the completion of the Yagya by Maharaj Dibyasingh Dev and the inauguration of the project of Srimandira Parikrama Prakalpa by Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik. The Jagannath Heritage Corridor Project of Lord Jagannath Temple in Odisha's Puri has been completed by the Odisha Bridge & Construction Corporation (OBCC) and handed over to the temple administration Sri Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA). The Heritage project includes parking places, Shree Setu (a bridge), pilgrimage centres, a new road to facilitate the movement of pilgrims, toilets for male, and female devotees and servitors, clock rooms and electrical work with other visitors' amenities. Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik will inaugurate the project while Puri Gajapati Maharaj Divyasingha Deb will give prunahuti (final offering) at the three-day-long yagna. The corridor aims to enhance the visual appeal and surroundings of the iconic Jagannath Temple. (ANI)