Megastar Chiranjeevi is all set for his next project titled, 'Vishwambhara' and recently, the makers announced the film with a concept video. Now, his son and 'RRR' actor Ram Charan turned to X to express his appreciation for the film's concept video, claiming that it sparks anticipation and intrigued his interest. Ram Charan also wished the entire film's team, including director Vassishta and producers UV Productions. He also highlighted the long-awaited reunion of Chiranjeevi and Oscar-winning music director MM Keerawani, expressing his excitement to see Keerawani's artistic talent with dad Chiranjeevi once more. He wrote, "#Vishwambhara concept teaser sparks anticipation, has piqued my interest. Best wishes to the young director @DirVassishta, dearest @UV_Creations, and the reunion of Dad @KChiruTweets & @mmkeeravaani...Garu's musical brilliance is something I'm eagerly awaiting after many years." The film will be out on Sankranti 2025. It is a film by Vassishta of 'Bimbisara' fame. The makers announced the film with a concept video. The video promises a grand fantasy film that has themes taken from Hindu mythology. The glimpse begins with transporting people into a heavenly world, where someone locks a magical box, which accidentally falls. It passes through a black hole and crashes into an asteroid. After many such disruptions and obstacles, the magical object finally reaches the earth which is symbolically shown with a large Hanuman statue. A crater appears as it crashes into the earth, yet nothing happens to the magic box. Finally, the title of the movie is revealed as Vishwambhara. As per a statement, MM Keeravani has come on board to score the film's music, while Chota K Naidu is the cinematographer. AS Prakash is the production designer, while Sushmita Konidela is the costume designer. The shoot of the movie is in the initial stages. (ANI)