Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, along with his wife Gauri Khan, attended Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan's wedding reception in Mumbai on Saturday.
Several pictures and videos of SRK and Gauri from the star-studded event went viral on social media. In the pictures, the 'Darr' actor, along with Gauri could be seen striking a pose with Aamir Khan. Taking to Instagram, Spice Social (PR agency) shared a string of pictures of SRK and Gauri from the event. The 'Chak De India' actor looked handsome as he donned a black suit over a white shirt at the wedding reception. Gauri, on the other hand, looked beautiful as she wore a maroon suit. Apart from them, several B-town celebs including legendary actor Dharmendra to former cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, Salman Khan marked their starry presence at the wedding reception. Salman looked dapper in a black suit. Veteran actor Jaya Bachchan arrived at the function with her daughter Shweta Bachchan. The duo posed for the pictures with actress Sonali Bendre. Veteran actors Rekha and Saira Banu also came to bless the newlyweds. Speaking of the hosts, Aamir Khan and his family members were all dressed to the nines. Ira's cousin and actor Imran Khan also marked his presence at the function. The whole Khan family posed on the red carpet. However, Aamir's ex-wife Kiran Rao was not present. The fam-jam pictures show Aamir posing with his son and upcoming actor Junaid Khan, his first wife Reena Dutta, nephew Imran Khan, sister Nikhat Khan, son Azad Rao Khan, and the family of Nupur. Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare recently tied the knot as per Christian rituals in Udaipur. Prior to it, they solemnized their relationship via a registered marriage at Taj Lands End, Bandra in Mumbai on January 3. Reportedly, Nupur and Ira met during the COVID-19 lockdown when Nupur was training Aamir Khan and Ira was living with her father. The duo had an engagement party in November last year. (ANI)