Actor Radhika Apte on Saturday took to Instagram and dropped a post claiming she and other passengers at an airport were locked in the aerobridge for hours after her flight was delayed. However, she did not name the city or the airlines. "I had to post this! Today morning I had flight at 8:30. It's 10:50 now and the flight has still not boarded. BUT the flight said we were boarding and put all the passengers in the aerobridge and LOCKED IT," she wrote.
She also shared pictures and videos from the airport. In one of the clips, some of the passengers can be seen talking to the security staff in the aerobridge. Radhika shared that the passengers including elderly people and babies were locked in the aerobridge for more than an hour and they had no access to water and loo. "The passengers with small babies, elderly people have been locked in for over an hour. The security won't open the doors. The staff has ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE! Apparently their crew hasn't boarded. The crew had the change and they are still waiting for new crew but they have no idea of when they will arrive so no one knows how long they'll be locked inside. I managed to escaped briefly to speak to the very stupid staff woman outside who kept saying there is no issue and no delay now I'm locked inside AND they just told us that we will be here till minimum 12pm all locked in. No water no loo. Thanks for the fun ride," she added. Radhika's post has been garnered with several comments. Reacting to it, actor Konkona Sensharma commented, "Unbelievable!" "Oh dear lord," actor Tisca Chopra commented. Meanwhile, on the work front, Radhika was recently seen in a cameo in Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi-starrer 'Merry Christmas'. The film is directed by Sriram Raghavan. (ANI)