Proud grandfather and veteran actor Dharmendra shared a picture of himself clicked by none other than his grandson Dharam, whom he called "Ustaad."
Taking to Instagram, Dharmendra treated fans with new pictures of himself. The image captured Dharmendra smiling while looking at the camera. The photo clicked by Bobby Deol's younger son, Dharam. Sharing the picture, he wrote, "A photo by my loving grandson Dharam . I call him "USTAAD "." As soon as the photo was uploaded, fans and industry friends flooded the comment section. Sunny and Bobby Deol dropped heart emojis. Meanwhile, on the work front, he will be next seen in the upcoming romantic drama film 'Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya' which also features Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon in the lead roles. The makers on Monday unveiled title of the most anticipated film. The film marks Shahid and Kriti's first on-screen collaboration. Taking to Instagram, Shahid Kapoor treated fans to the film's title along with a new poster.The poster showed the undeniable chemistry of Shahid and Kriti. The film is titled 'Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya - An Impossible Love Story'. Sharing the poster, he wrote, "This Valentine's week, experience an impossible love story!#TeriBaatonMeinAisaUljhaJiya in cinemas 9th February, 2024 A Maddock Films production." Apart from that, he also has director Sriram Raghavan's next 'Ekkis' which also features Amitabh Bachchan's grandson Agastya Nanda. The film will release on January 10, 2025. (ANI)