Renowned actor Brahmanandam has recently unveiled his autobiography, titled 'Nenu.'
On Wednesday, Ram Charan took to X to give Brahmanandam's life story a shout-out. He wrote, "Journeying through the incredible life of #Brahmanandam Garu in 'NENU,' his autobiography crafted with humour and heart. These pages hold the essence of laughter, life lessons, and the cinematic charm he brought to us all. Order the book through this link: @AnvikshikiPub @vrsiddareddy." Ram also posted a picture with Brahmanandam. The duo of Ram Charan and Brahmanandam has left an indelible mark on Tollywood by collaborating on successful projects like 'Bruce Lee: The Fighter,' 'Orange,' 'Racha,' 'Chirutha,' 'Naayak,' and 'Betting Raja.' Praising Brahmanandam's autobiography, earlier megastar Chiranjeevi also expressed his admiration, acknowledging the actor's significant role in providing entertainment to Telugu audiences over the years. He wrote on X, "My dearest, for decades Manandari Brahmanandam, the Mahadananda factor for all Telugu audiences, in his 40 years of cinematic glory Many people he met, acquaintances, things he knew, perspectives, his own 'Me' is an autobiography that captures and codifies many life experiences. Manakandiochatam in the form of a book is Very enjoyable. As he said, 'One's experience can be a lesson for another, a guide. Believing that this book will be an inspiration and a priceless experience for everyone who reads it, I heartily wish Brahmanandam, the author of this book, and congratulate 'Anveekshi', the publisher of this book!" 'Nenu' is not just an autobiography but an instructive and inspirational guide, allowing readers a glimpse into the life of the comedy maestro who, once a Telugu teacher, found his way into the heart of the film industry, leaving an enduring legacy in Tollywood. (ANI)