Actor Shriya Pilgaonkar took a stroll down memory lane and recalled working in the second season of 'Taaza Khabar'.
As the show completed a year today, Shriya said, "2023 started with the release of 'Taaza Khabar,' am grateful for all the love that the show has garnered. For me, the character of Madhu , a sex worker was exciting and fulfilling to play as an actor because it was a completely new look for me to portray on screen . I am super thrilled to begin 2024 on the set of 'Taaza Khabar season 2." 'Taaza Khabar' also starred Bhuvan Bam. Meanwhile, Shriya was recently seen in 'Dry Day', which unfolds in the heartland of the country where the protagonist, Gannu, a small-time goon portrayed by Jitendra Kumar, embarks on a journey against the system. Amidst the emotional quest to earn the trust and love of his dear ones, Gannu not only confronts external challenges but also struggles with his own insecurities and issue of alcoholism. She shared screen space with Jitendra Kumar in the film. (ANI)