Actor Sonam Kapoor who welcomed her first child, Vayu two years ago on Thursday said that she was feeling like herself again for the first time in 16 months.
She took to Instagram to share pictures from a photoshoot and wrote, "It's taken me 16 months to feel like myself again. Slowly, steadily, without any crash diets and crazy workouts, just consistent self-care and baby care." She added, "I'm not there yet but almost where I want to be. Still very very grateful for my body and how incredible it has been. Being a woman is a wondrous thing. #babymomma #proudwoman #everydayphenomenal #vayusparents." In the pictures, she looks beautiful in a white-coloured lehenga with golden stripes at the border. To complete her traditional look, she wore statement earrings and tied her hair in a bun. Soon after the 'Bholaa' actor shared the post, her fans and industry friends chimed in the comment section. Actor and Sonam's father, Anil Kapoor, dropped raising hands emojis. A fan wrote, "You have always been beautiful, SK." On Wednesday, her husband, Anand Ahuja, posted some pictures and videos of Sonam, where she can be seen playing with Vayu. Sonam and Anand tied the knot on May 8, 2018, in a traditional Anand Karaj ceremony. In March 2022, the couple announced that they were expecting their first child together. Meanwhile, on the acting front, Sonam was last seen in the film 'Blind' directed by Shome Makhija and also starring Purab Kohli, Vinay Pathak, and Lillete Dubey in prominent roles. The film marked Sonam's return to acting after a maternity break. Sonam has signed other new projects as well. (ANI)