Actor-producer Arbaaz Khan tied the knot with make-up artist Shura Khan in an intimate nikah ceremony at his sister Arpita Khan Sharma's residence in Mumbai. Now, Shura shared a cute video of Arbaaz proposing to her.
She posted a video on her Instagram handle in which she can be seen blushing as Arbaaz proposes to her with a huge bouquet of flowers in the presence of their family members. Arbaaz's sister, Arpita Khan, was seen with them. Arhaan Khan, Arbaaz's son, can also be seen in the video. Shura wrote in the caption, "From saying YES on the 19th and getting Married on the 24th Dec...That was quick @arbaazkhanofficia..Alhumdulilah.." After her post, Ridhima Pandit mentioned, "Adorable.. God bless you both." Ravi Dubey also dropped a heart emoji. The social media reacted to the adorable video. One of them wrote, "Beautiful, may your relation be protected and blessed." While another commented, "o happy to see you in love... @arbaazkhanofficial you're very lucky to have shuruuu." Arbaaz married make-up artist Shura Khan in an intimate nikah ceremony. Several videos and pictures from the ceremony have gone viral on social media. One of the videos from Arbaaz and Shura Khan's wedding has surfaced on social media, which shows Salman Khan dancing at the wedding to his songs. In a video shared by one of the fan clubs on Instagram, Salman can be seen shaking his leg to his song 'Tere Mast Mast Do Nain' from 'Dabangg'. Arhaan Khan, Alvira Khan Agnihotri, and Shura Khan were also seen dancing along with him. Salman and other guests were also seen enjoying the song 'Dil Diya Gallan' sung by singer Harshdeep Kaur at the wedding ceremony. Salman Khan looked handsome in a grey Pathani suit. Arbaaz took to Instagram and treated fans with pictures of his wife. Arbaaz wore a floral bandhgala with beige trousers while matching with his bride Shura, who wore a floral peach-coloured lehenga for the nikah ceremony. Sharing the pictures, he wrote, "In the presence of our loved ones, me and mine begin a lifetime of love and togetherness from this day on![?]Need all your blessings and good wishes on our special day!"" Arbaaz's parents, Salim Khan and Sushila Charak, aka Salma Khan, were also captured arriving at Aripta's house. Actors Raveena Tandon, Riddhima Pandit, Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia Deshmukh also attended the nikah ceremony of Arbaaz and Shura. A day before his wedding, Arbaaz attended the Mumbai Police annual event, Umang, where he was by paparazzi about the wedding. (ANI)