Actor Shagun Pandey, who is known for his shows such as 'Kyun Utthe Dil Chod Aaye' and 'Meet', is currently seen playing the role of a cop in the new show 'Mera Balam Thanedaar' also starring Shruti Choudhary. The actor talked about the idea behind the fictional drama and his role in it.
He told ANI, "The show emphasizes the importance of refraining from marrying daughters at a young age and avoiding the perception of them as burdens. The narrative underscores that such early marriages disrupt the equilibrium of their lives. Young girls, when married off early, are conditioned to believe that managing an entire household is their responsibility." "However, when they struggle to fulfil these expectations, it leads to trauma, depression, and anxiety. The repercussions extend beyond individual families, affecting both sides and contributing to an imbalance in the country's resources," he said. Shagun portrays Veer, an IPS officer in the show. Sharing more details about his role, he added, "I portray the role of a righteous police officer who values honesty and expects to be confronted with the harsh truth rather than comforted with lies. His determination stems from a personal experience, where someone close to him faced a situation he never wants any young girl or child to endure." On working with his co-star Shruti Choudhary, he said, "It is fantastic because she is an exceptionally quick learner. She effortlessly grasps whatever we want to imbibe, and her natural brilliance shines through organically." Shagun has played different kinds of roles in his previous shows, however, playing Veer is an altogether different experience for him, as he shared, "I have an energy level which is all over the place every time but here, I had to exercise control and channelize it appropriately for this role. Maintaining adherence to rules and regulations was crucial, given the responsibility associated with a role, portraying a man in uniform." (ANI)