Actor-singer Aditi Saigal, also known as 'Dot' shared her experience of working with director Zoya Akhtar in the film 'The Archies' and called it a "special debut."
Talking exclusively to ANI, she said, "It was such a crazy experience because I've never worked at such a large-scale project with so many different team members coming together and the work being so detailed and so well-researched. Zoya nurtured all seven of us from start to finish. We had a boot camp, as she likes to say. I learned how to dance and how to skate and I think those skills are always going to stay with me. So it was a very special debut." Helmed by Zoya Akhtar, the film also marked the acting debuts of Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana Khan, Amitabh Bachchan's grandson Agastya Nanda, and producer Boney Kapoor's daughter Khushi Kapoor. The film received mixed responses from the audience. 'The Archies', a coming-of-age musical that follows the lives of Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Reggie, Ethel and Dilton, takes audiences to the fictional hilly town of Riverdale. The film explores friendship, freedom, love, heartbreak and rebellion. It is currently streaming on Netflix. (ANI)