Actor Shah Rukh Khan's success continues to grow, with his third release of the year 'Dunki' all set to enter the Rs 100 crore club.
And surprisingly, on Sunday, SRK celebrated the film's success with his fans. In the evening, the King Khan brought traffic to a standstill in Bandra after he came out of his residence Mannat and greeted fans who were standing outside waiting to catch one glimpse of him. Several visuals surfaced online in which SRK is seen expressing gratitude to his well-wishers with folded hands and he also blew kisses at them. SRK looked uber cool in a blue sweater and blue jeans. He kept his long hair back with the help of a hairband. 'Dunki' marks SRK's first-ever collaboration with director Rajkumar Hirani, who has previously given hits like 'PK', 'Sanju', '3 Idiots' and 'Munna Bhai'. 'Dunki' hit the theatres on December 21 and since then it has been the talk of the town. The film received mixed reviews from the audience and critics and so far it has collected over Rs Rs 157.22 crores worldwide. 'Dunki' also stars Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, Anil Grover, Boman Irani and Vikram Kochhar. At one of the events in Dubai, SRK described 'Dunki' as his best film."So when I made Jawan, I thought I made a film for boys and girls but I didn't make anything for myself, then I made Dunki. So this is my film. This film is very close to my heart. When I was doing Pathaan, many people who write about films, those who know about films more than the filmmakers, were saying what kind of roles I was doing, so I felt that I should do films that come from my heart and this includes all the films that I did this year. I started the year with Pathaan, which was always ladies first, and I want to end the year with a film for myself. So, please watch Dunki on December 21. Everyone will find something in the film that will touch their heart. The film will make you laugh also," he said. 'Dunki' focuses on the issue of immigration. Its title is taken from the term "donkey journey", which refers to the long-winding, often dangerous routes that people across the world take to reach the places they want to immigrate to. With Dunki's success, SRK has got three back-to-back hits in his kitty. In January, he came up with 'Pathaan', which smased several records at the box office, and in September, he enthralled fans with 'Jawan', which was directed by Atlee. (ANI)