Actor-director Saurabh Shukla is all set to come up with his new film 'Dry Day', which features Jitendra Kumar and Shriya Pilgaonkar in lead roles.
The film unfolds in the heartland of the country where the protagonist, Gannu (essayed by Jitendra), a small-time goon portrayed by Jitendra Kumar, embarks on a journey against the system. Amidst the emotional quest to earn the trust and love of his dear ones, Gannu not only confronts external challenges but also struggles with his insecurities and alcoholism. Excited about the film, Saurabh, who helmed the film, told ANI, " 'Dry Day' is an entertaining film. Also, there's a social message attached to it. One will definitely learn something from the film." Shriya also expressed her excitement about working in the film. "I feel grateful to be a part of the film. I worked with an amazing team in the film...learnt so much from them. The film is quite entertaining but at the same time it will allow you to ask yourself certain questions," she said. 'Dry Day' will be out on Prime Video on December 22. The film also features veteran actor Annu Kapoor. (ANI)