Actor Vidyut Jammwal, who celebrated his birthday on Sunday, amazed his fans with his bold avatar. He shared pictures from his time spent in the Himalayan ranges, which has become an integral part of his life. Now, ace filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has reacted to it and said that he has brought out the "Animal" in him and compared him with "Greek God".
Taking to X, he wrote, "Hey @VidyutJammwal..I think it's so timely that you have brought out the ANIMAL in you are truly looking like a GREEK GOD ..A million salutes to you." Vidyut Jammwal turned a year older on Sunday, he took netizens by storm with his bold avatar.He took to his Instagram handle to share a glimpse into his life in the mountains. In the pictures, Vidyut is seen enjoying a Himalayan retreat. Along with a post, he penned a lengthy note reading, "My retreat to the Himalayan ranges - 'the abode of the divine' started 14 years ago. Before I realised, it became an integral part of my life to spend 7-10 days alone- every year. Coming into the wilderness from a life of luxury and adulation, I enjoy finding my solitude and realising the importance of knowing 'Who I am Not' which is the first step of knowing 'WHO AM I' as well as fending for myself in the quiet luxuries provided by nature." "I am most comfortable outside my comfort zone and I tune into the natural frequency of nature, and I imagine myself as the satellite dish antenna- receiving & emitting vibrations of happiness and love. I vibrate at the frequency of COMPASSION. I vibrate at the frequency of DETERMINATION. I vibrate at the frequency of ACHIEVEMENT. I vibrate at the frequency of ACTION. It is here that I create the energy I want to surround myself with and come back home, ready to experience a new chapter in my life - Reborn," Vidyut added. He also shared an exciting update about his upcoming film 'Crakk'. "Also would love to share that this solitude is inconceivable to the mind, but experiential only when in awareness ..I'm now ready and excited for my next chapter - CRAKK releasing in theatres on Feb 23rd, 2024," he posted. 'Crakk', helmed by Aditya Datt, is the journey of a man from the slums of Mumbai to the world of extreme underground sports. 'Crakk' is presented by Reliance Entertainment and produced by Action Hero Films & PZ pictures, Vidyut Jammwal, Parag Sanghvi, and Action Hero Films & Team, and co-produced by Adi Sharmaa and Aditya Chowksey. Apart from Aditya Datt, the film is written by Sarim Momim, Rehan Khan with the additional screenplay and dialogues by Mohendar Pratap Singh. (ANI)