Veteran actor Sharmila Tagore turned 79 on Friday. She celebrated her birthday with her family in a special way.
Daughter-in-law Kareena Kapoor Khan took to Instagram and shared several images from the low-key bash held at her house in Mumbai. In one of the pictures, Sharmila was seen kissing Kareena on her cheek. Kareena wrote in the caption, "Maa in law ka janamdin." Sharmila also posed with Saif Ali Khan and Kareena's sons Taimur and Jeh. In one of the images, Taimur could be seen posing with his grandmother and the duo had gold medals around their neck. Sara also shared pictures from the celebrations. In the family portrait, Saif is seen carrying Jeh and everyone was smiling. "Happiest Birthday Badi Amma [?]," Sara wrote. Sharmila Tagore looked as elegant as ever in a plain, simple black kurta. Saif Ali Khan looked uber cool in a blue kurta while Kareena Kapoor opted for a beige button-down shirt and tied her tresses in a messy bun. Sara Ali Khan teamed a white button-down shirt. Her brother Ibrahim was also present at the bash along with Kunal Kemmu, Soha Ali Khan and their daughter Inaaya. Sharmila's daughter Saba Pataudi too shared pictures from the celebrations. Sharmila Tagore got married to legendary cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi in 1968. He passed away in 2011. (ANI)