Renowned fashion designer Rohit Bal, who was admitted to the Medanta Hospital in Gurugram with pre-existing medical conditions, is still critical and on ventilator support, hospital sources said on Wednesday.
"He is critical and remains on ventilator support," a source at the private hospital informed on Wednesday. "He is slightly better than previous days but still is on ventilator support," a close friend of his told ANI on Wednesday. Bal is well-known for his designs that appeal to all genders. He launched his career in fashion designing in 1986 when he and his brother founded Orchid Oversea Pvt. Ltd. In 1990, he made his independent collection debut. Bal was born into a Kashmiri Pandit family in Srinagar on May 8, 1961. The largest handloom textile operation in Panchkula, Khadi Gram Udyog, selected Bal to collaborate with them. He opened a flagship store in Delhi, as well as stores in Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Chennai. Bal also charted a successful career in jewellery designing. He is known for his works with materials such as velvet and brocade, and his intricate designs are influenced by the opulence and majesty of India. Bal graduated from St. Stephens College, Delhi, with a bachelor's degree in History. He pursued a course in fashion at Delhi's National Institute of Fashion Technology. (ANI)