Megastar Amitabh Bachchan gave a shoutout to filmmaker Divyansh Pandit for his upcoming short film, 'Pind Daan.'
In response to that, Divyansh took to X on Tuesday, to express his gratitude to Big B. The 'Pink' actor wrote on X, "T 4842 - All good wishes .. @DivyanshPandit9 #PindDaan #ShortFilm #YatinKaryekar #AadilJaipuri #Shaan #Sameer #DivyanganaJain #AamirBengali #WildBuffaloesEntertainment #WildBuffaloesMusic." To which Divyansh reposted, writing, "Thank you so much, sir! This means the world to us. Lots of love & regards #PindDaan #ShortFilm." Notably, 'Pind Daan,' stars actor Aadil Jaipuri, grandson of famed lyricist Hasrat Jaipuri, and veteran actor Yatin Karyekar. Earlier, sharing his thoughts on his movie, Director Divyansh Pandit said, "I have inhaled, exhaled, slept and lived Pind Daan for almost a year now. The seed of thought enticed me so much that I had to turn this one into a short film. I mean, how many of us actually look at anyone as robust and macho as a cop and wonder about their vulnerabilities? Their human side? It is difficult to look beyond the cop uniform. Hence, Pind Daan is the social commentary that I have wrapped in a fabric of engagement and drama." 'Pind Daan' is Divyansh Pandit's latest short film as a Producer and Director and Aamir Bengali, his co-writer on this project, helped him write this short film. Pind Daan has a powerful soundtrack penned by Sameer Anjaan vocals are given by Shaan and the music has been composed by Samarth Saxena. After assisting famed director Raj Kumar Santoshi on 'Phata Poster Nikla Hero' and 'Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani,' Divyansh ventured into short filmmaking. When Divyansh was asked about his next projects in the pipeline, he said, "My next in the queue is a feature film, Palatwar. A strong revenge drama that I co-wrote with Aamir. We are in the last leg of casting; hence, we would like to unwrap things only once they're signed and sealed." Palatwar, which has been announced with Ajay Atul as music director, is set to begin production in early 2024. The upcoming film is touted as a high-octane thriller, with its story revolving around ego, vengeance and regret. (ANI)