At the 54th International Film Festival of India in Goa, 'Kantara' star Rishab Shetty on Tuesday took a dig at the OTT platforms and said that "they are not open to the Kannada film industry."
During a press conference at the 54th IFFI, Shetty said, "OTT platforms are not open to the Kannada film industry. That is a very bad sign. They say there are no subscribers here, they are looking into the matter and thinking. Two production houses were actively working during Corona, Rakshit Shetty's Paramvah Studios and my Rishab Shetty films, and apart from that, some production houses were also making films, and we are actively doing film festivals, but they are not taking the films." He also requested IFFI and its sponsors to give recognition to the Kannada films. "So I wanted to make a request to IFFI and its sponsors to give recognition to our films ... films which have less exposure in theatres should also get some recognition and they should be taken to OTT platforms," he added. Meanwhile, Rishab Shetty will be next seen in 'Kantara Chapter 1'. On Monday, the makers of 'Kantara Chapter 1' unveiled the film's official, teaser which received good responses from the fans. The teaser video gave a glimpse of the captivating look of actor-director Rishab Shetty and his world in the film. The clip concluded with seven different ragas of music representing each of the seven languages in which 'Kantara Chapter 1' will be released. In the posters, Rishab is seen looking away from the camera, striking a pose in a 'dhoti' and holding a trishul and axe in his hands. It has now been revealed that Kantara 2 is officially titled 'Kantara Chapter 1'. Rishab Shetty, who was the writer, actor, and director of the film, also received acclaim. 'Kantara' was released on September 30 and got a good response from the audience for its storyline and visuals. Set in the fictional village of Dakshina Kannada, Kantara follows the character of Shetty, a Kambala champion who has a faceoff with an upright Forest Range officer. (ANI)