Actor Salman Khan wished his father and veteran screenwriter Salim Khan on his 88th birthday and called him "tiger."
Taking to Instagram, Salman posted a special picture on this occasion and captioned it, "Happy Birthday My Tiger." In the picture, Salman with his father relaxing in a garden. Sharing the photo, he wrote, "Happy Birthday My Tiger." As soon as the photo was uploaded, fans and industry members flooded the comment section with heartwarming wishes. Bobby Deol dropped a heart emojis. One of the users wrote, "Happiest one to him and thanking him too for gifting us our TIGER. [?]" Salim Khan is best known for his work in 'Andaz', 'Seeta Aur Geeta', 'Deewar', 'Sholay', 'Don' and more. He was also known for his partnership with Javed Akhtar for writing. He married twice, once with Salma Khan in 1964 and then with Helen in 1981 and is a proud parent to three sons -- Salman, Sohail Khan, and Arbaaz Khan. Talking about Salman's work front, he is currently flying high on the success of his recently released action thriller film 'Tiger 3' which also starred Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi in the lead roles. 'Tiger 3' has minted Rs 400.50 crores gross worldwide in just 10 days of its release. The third instalment of the 'Tiger' franchise is a part of the YRF Spy Universe with the likes of 'War' and 'Pathaan'. The film also has a cameo appearance by Shah Rukh Khan and a post-credit scene featuring Hrithik Roshan. Just like the two previous installments -- 'Ek Tha Tiger' and 'Tiger Zinda Hai' -- the film focuses on a new mission involving RA&W agent Tiger (Salman) and ISI agent Zoya (Katrina Kaif). 'Ek Tha Tiger', which was released in 2012, was directed by Kabir Khan. In 2017, the franchise came up with a sequel titled 'Tiger Zinda Hai'. The sequel was directed by Ali Abbas Zafar. Salman, meanwhile, has still not announced his next project. (ANI)