Actor Suriya has been busy with the shooting of his upcoming film 'Kanguva.'
During the shooting of a fight scene for 'Kanguva,' a rope camera lost control and fell on Suriya. Though the actor was only slightly injured by the fall of the camera, the shoot for the film was cancelled for now, giving Suriya some time to relax and heal. According to sources, the incident occurred around 1.30 a.m. at midnight in EVP Film City. The shoot has been postponed. The Nasaratpet police are looking into the situation. Meanwhile, Actor Suriya will be seen in 'Kanguva' which will show him as a warrior. Studio Green in association with UV Creations is producing the Suriya and Disha Patani-starrer 'Kanguva', which is an action-packed drama and is planned to be released in early 2024. The film which also features 'Malang' actress Disha Patani is titled 'Kanguva'. The makers had previously announced the title of the film with an intriguing video.The title teaser video featured the background of a dark night, unveiling an eagle, a dog, and a masked warrior riding a horse, followed by a massive army. He will also be seen in 'Suriya 43,' alongside Dulquer Salmaan, Vijay Varma, and Nazriya Fahadh. Suriya and Sudha Kongara are returning for 'Surya 43,' following the 2020 film Soorarai Pottru, which earned him a National Award for Best Actor. (ANI)