The dream of die-hard Team India fans has come true as the men in blue defeated New Zealand in a thrilling World Cup semi-final match at Mumbai's Wankhede Stadium. Many Bollywood celebs took to their social media handles to congratulate the winning team, including Bollywood star Madhuri Dixit and her husband Dr Shriram Nene.
Madhuri and her husband took to their Instagram handles to congratulate Team India. They shared a series of pictures in a video. In the pictures, they can be seen posing with Anushka Sharma, Rajinikanth, David Beckham, Vicky Kaushal, and Kunal Kemmu, with some pictures of Virat Kohli and their own clicks. The caption reads, And there u have it. Congrats #TeamIndia. What a fabulous showing by our boys in Blue. Nice way to end #Shami. Congrats to @virat.kohli for back to back centuries and 50 ODI centuries overall, and breaking the Master Blaster's record. Hats off to @shreyasiyer96 for great batting. We loved the game today! Thank u for a magical experience @BCCI #WorldCup2023 #SemiFinalShowdown #TeamIndia @madhuridixitnene @virat.kohli @sachintendulkar #thalaivar #Rajnikanth @davidbeckham @anushkasharma @vickykaushal09 @kunalkemmu @mumbaicricassoc @amol_kale76" India will play Australia in the final on Sunday. (ANI)