Actor Kareena Kapoor Khan on Friday shared a glimpse from her tasty "Diwali time".
Taking to Instagram, Kareena shared a picture of her evening tea with some snacks on her stories which she captioned, "It's Diwali Time. IYKYK." Meanwhile, on the work front, Kareena recently attended the premiere of her film 'The Buckingham Murders' at the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival in a black dress with pink sleeves. She went for nude makeup and tied her hair in a bun. On the other hand, Karisma and Saif twinned in white. Karisma looked exquisite in a white saree, while Saif looked royal in a white kurta-pyjama with a white Nehru jacket. 'The Buckingham Murders' is helmed by Hansal Mehta, It also stars Ash Tandon, Ranveer Brar, and Keith Allen. It is written by Aseem Arrora, Kashyap Kapoor, and Raghav Raj Kakker and produced by Balaji Telefilms and TBM Films alongside Shobha Kapoor, Ektaa R Kapoor, and Kareena Kapoor Khan. Apart from this, Kareena will also be seen in 'The Crew' alongside Tabu, Kriti Sanon and Diljit Dosanjh. It is a story of three women and is touted as a laugh-riot, set against the backdrop of the struggling airline industry. However, their destinies lead to some unwarranted situations and they get caught in a web of lies. Actor Kapil Sharma will also be seen in a special cameo role in the film. It is all set to hit the theatres on March 22, 2024. She also has Rohit Shetty's next action thriller 'Singham Again' in her kitty. (ANI)