Makers of the upcoming action thriller series ''Echo'' on Friday unveiled the series'' official trailer.Taking to Instagram, production house Marvel Studios shared the trailer which they captioned, "No bad deed goes unpunished. All episodes of Marvel Studios'' #Echo, a new Original series, streaming January 10 on @DisneyPlus & @Hulu. Set your Disney+ profile to TV-MA to stream. All episodes will be available on Hulu until April 9."
The trailer gave audiences a glimpse at the harrowing story and introducing Marvel''s first Native American and deaf lead. Echo will also have a TV-MA rating -- a first for a Marvel series on Disney''s streaming platform, as per Deadline, a US-based media outlet.
Audiences first saw Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez in ''Hawkeye''. In ''Echo'', Maya is being pursued by Wilson Fisk aka Kingpin''s (Vincent D''Onofrio) criminal empire. When the journey brings her home, she must confront her own family and legacy, as per Deadline.
The series will stream on the OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar from January 10.
Echo marks several firsts for Marvel Studios. As noted above, this series is quite a bit grittier than its predecessors, hence the TV-MA rating.
The series also stars Chaske Spencer, Graham Greene, Tantoo Cardinal, Devery Jacobs, Zahn McClarnon, and Cody Lightning and Vincent D''Onofrio, reported Deadline. (ANI)