Actor Sanjay Kapoor and his wife Maheep Kapoor's daughter Shanaya Kapoor turned a year older.
On her birthday, Shanaya received adorable birthday wishes from her family, fans and friends. Her childhood friends and star kids Suhana Khan and Ananya Panday dropped sweet birthday wishes for her on their respective Instagram accounts. Taking a stroll down memory lane, Ananya dug out her childhood picture with Shanaya and wrote, "Happy birthday to my sister (red heart emoji). I just wanna see you smileeee. I love you @shanayakapoor02." Suhana, daughter of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, treated fans to stunning pictures of herself with Shanaya. "Happy birthday Shan (red heart emoji)," she captioned the snap, in which Suhana is seen taking a selfie with Shanaya. Shanaya is all set to make her acting debut with Mohanlal's pan-India 'Vrushabha'. Directed by Nanda Kishore, will be released simultaneously in Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and Hindi in 2024. In March 2022, Dharma Productions announced a film titled 'Bedhadak' with Shanaya and Lakshya and Gurfateh. Sharing the update, Shanaya took to Instagram and unveiled her first look from the film."I am extremely grateful and humbled to join the Dharma Family with #Bedhadak - directed by the brilliant Shashank Khaitan. I can't wait to kickstart this journey, I need all your blessings and love," she captioned the post. The film is directed by Shashank Khaitan. However, no update about the film has been given since then. (ANI)