Celebrating the premiere of 'Kennedy' at the ongoing Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival. The momentous event spotlighted Rahul Bhat's gripping portrayal, eliciting an uproar as the audience showered a standing ovation on the performance delivered in Anurag Kashyap's directorial.
Taking to Instagram, Rahul shared a glimpse of the festival and captioned it, "Team Kennedy take a bow! Thank you Mumbai for an unforgettable response! Ye shaam kabhi nahi bhoolenge! [?] your clapping and whistling and cheering will resonate in our hearts for a long long time" https://www.instagram.com/p/CzBVRSeP4P3/?img_index=4 Helmed by Anurag Kashyap, 'Kennedy' stars Sunny Leone, Rahul Bhat and Abhilash Thapliyal in the lead roles. The film revolves around an insomniac ex-policeman, long thought to be dead, but still operating for the corrupt system, and looking for redemption. The actor's astounding dedication also unfolded with his jaw-dropping physical metamorphosis, a staggering 20kg gain to personify the sleep-deprived cop, further solidifying his immersive commitment to the role. The film's triumphant journey traversed continents, captivating audiences worldwide. From its enthralling premiere at the illustrious 2023 Cannes Film Festival to the enchanting showcases at the Sydney Film Festival and the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival, 'Kennedy' roused ardent adoration. The Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival returns with an impressive list of some of the top films from around the world with over 250 films spread over 10 days. The curation boasts over 40 World Premieres, 45 Asia Premieres, and 70+ South Asia Premieres, with a record-breaking number of 1000+ submissions for the South Asia programme. The festival promises to spotlight contemporary films and new cinematic voices from South Asia. The main competition at the festival this year is the South Asia Competition. It aligns with the festival's new vision to become a hub for South Asian and South Asian Diaspora cinema and talent. This competitive section aims to showcase breakthrough contemporary South Asian films. (ANI)