Actor Saif Ali Khan has successfully carried forward his family legacy of hosting the prestigious Bhopal Pataudi Polo Cup. However, he could not attend the event due to prior commitments but his mother and veteran actress Sharmila Tagore was there to cheer for the players.
On Sunday, Sharmila Tagore witnessed a live polo match between Jindal Panther and Achievers Blue. The event was held at Jaipur Polo Grounds, Delhi. Speaking on the occasion, the 'Amar Prem' star told ANI, "This is the 27th year of the Bhopal Pataudi Cup and I am absolutely happy as the match was so thrilling. It was a very interesting match. It's always great to be here and feel the spirit in the air." "The Pataudi Cup is very close to our hearts and it's great to be back for another year to support all the players," she added. Saif could not attend the event but he sent a heartwarming message to all stating, "The Bhopal Pataudi cup has always been close to my heart, not because it is a symbol of our legacy being carried forward but because it is a celebration of true sportsmanship. The match stems from the spirit of House of Pataudi, a venture that is crucial to the synergy of all our endeavours." Saif's late father and legendary cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi started the Bhopal Pataudi Cup property to honour his father, who died while playing polo in Delhi on Mansoor's eleventh birthday in 1952. (ANI)