Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh spoke up about the early days of their relationship on a recent episode of 'Koffee with Karan 8,' eliciting varied emotions from fans and trolls alike. Deepika admitted that she had casually dated other men after meeting Ranveer sparking debate, with social media ablaze with her comment.
During the show, Deepika confessed, "There was no 'commitment' as such." Even if we were technically allowed to see other people, we would just keep coming back to each other." This comment sparked a flurry of reactions online, with some admirers applauding her candour and others criticising her for her prior decisions. Comedian and actor Vir Das reacted to the trolling by posting an indirect tweet in support of Deepika. He wrote, "Moment of silence for all the men who are upset that a Bollywood star way out of their league was casually dating for a while, and wasn't as committed as their imaginary girlfriend is to them. " In the first episode, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone appear on the Koffee sofa for the first time, spilling the beans about their marriage, proposal, and more.Karan Johar inquired if the two were secretly engaged. According to Ranveer Singh, "In 2015, I had proposed to her, iske pehle ki koi aur aa jaye main jaake chappal rakh deta hu." When asked if she would date Rocky Randhawa, Deepika Padukone replied, "I am married to Rocky Randhawa." Furthermore, when asked who she has good chemistry with other than her loving husband, Deepika stated, "I think I have amazing chemistry with Hrithik, which everyone will see." (ANI)