After stealing the show at the Venice Film Festival, Abhishek Banerjee-starrer 'Stolen' is now all set to be screened at Jio MAMI Mumbai International Film Festival.
Interestingly, ahead of the screening, the makers unveiled a riveting clip from the film, which follows the aftermath of the abduction of an impoverished mother's five-month-old child, as wealthy brothers Gautam and Raman become involved in a harrowing journey to help her. The clip provides viewers with a brief but intense look into the film's darker depths. Sharing his thoughts about the released asset and the film as a whole, Abhishek said,"This was the most painful scene for me, not physically but emotionally. The question that stayed with me after the filming was - how can humans be so cruel to humans? Are we not from the same team? 'Stolen' posed a lot of these questions for me and answered them alike." He added, "The makers have created a gripping cinematic journey with a thought-provoking narrative based on true events. It's a raw, intense and authentic film that keeps you on the edge. We hope that the film will get your heart's racing." 'Stolen' is directed by Karan Tejpal and produced by Gaurav Dhingra of Jungle Book Studio. It co-stars Shubham and Mia Maelzer in key roles. (ANI)