Actor Kangana Ranaut on Thursday visited the under-construction Ram Janmabhoomi temple in Ayodhya and sought blessings, a day ahead of the release of her film 'Tejas.'
Dressed in a saffron-colored saree which she teamed with heavy jewellery and makeup, Kangana told mediapersons that the Ram Mandi plays a significant role in her film 'Tejas' and that she had a script ready on Ayodhya. "Finally, the Ram Lalla temple has been built. This is a centuries-long struggle by Hindus and our generation is able to see this day. I have written a script on Ayodhya and also did research. This is a 600-year-long struggle and this day is becoming possible due to the Modi Government and CM Yogi Adityanath," she said. "This will be the biggest pilgrimage site for Hindus like the Vatican is for Christians. This will be a grand symbol of the country and Sanatan culture before the world. On January 22, 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will come to inaugurate this. Ram Mandir also plays a significant role in our film Tejas." Kangana shared a series of pictures from her visit on X and wrote, "I am blessed by Shri Hari Vishnu, I am his devotee and today I have been blessed by him so much that I got to see the birthplace of Shri Hari Vishnu, the most revered incarnation, great archer, stunning warrior, ascetic king, Mariadapurushottam Shri Ram. Ramjanmabhoomi has a special role in my film Tejas, so I felt like seeing Ram Lalla, blessed be my Ram. my ram My Ram..." Meanwhile, Kangana is currently busy promoting her upcoming action film 'Tejas'. The film revolves around the extraordinary journey of Tejas Gill, an Air Force pilot, and aims to inspire and instil a deep sense of pride in every Indian, showing how Indian Air Force pilots work tirelessly to defend our nation, confronting numerous challenges along the way. Written and Directed By Sarvesh Mewara and produced by Ronnie Screwvala, the film is scheduled to release in theatres on October 27, 2023. Apart from that, Kangana also has 'Emergency' in her kitty. (ANI)