Actor Sushmita Sen on Tuesday shared a new video from the thriller 'Aarya 3'.
Taking to Instagram, Sushmita treated fans with a new glimpse of 'Aarya 3'. Sharing the video, she wrote, "Kroorta ke saamne acchai ki shoorta fir ek baar kaayam karne ka samay aa chuka hai. Sherni taiyaar hai. #HotstarSpecials #Aarya Season 3, streaming from 3rd Nov only on @disneyplushotstar #AaryaS3OnHotstar." Recently, the makers unveiled the trailer of 'Aarya 3' which received massive responses from the fans. The trailer depicted Aarya as more powerful and furious than ever before. She is now doing everything she used to despise and is in charge of her father's opium empire. From doing business with those who once wanted her dead, she's making new enemies and new allies. 'Aarya' marked Sushmita Sen's comeback on-screen and her digital debut. Sushmita made a thrilling comeback with 'Aarya' in June 2020. In the series, the actor plays a tough woman, who goes beyond boundaries to protect her family from the world of crime. The first season was even nominated for the 'Best Drama' series at the International Emmy Awards. Directed by Ram Madhvani, the series also stars Namit Das, Manish Chaudhari, Sikandar Kher, and Vinod Rawat among others in pivotal roles. (ANI)