Actor Kangana Ranaut is all set to hold a special screening of her upcoming film 'Tejas' for Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and several Indian Air Force Officers in Delhi today.
A while ago, Kangana was spotted at the Mumbai airport, where she informed the paps about the screening. "Today we are going for a special event. We have organised a special screening of our film Tejas for our Defence Minister. Several IAF officers will also be present there. Please pray for us and hope everything goes well," Kangana said while briefly interacting with the photographers. 'Tejas' is all set to hit the theatres on October 27. Sarvesh Mewara has helmed the project, which revolves around the extraordinary journey of Tejas Gill, an Air Force pilot, and aims to inspire and instil a deep sense of pride in every Indian, showing how Indian Air Force pilots work tirelessly to defend our nation, confronting numerous challenges along the way. She also has 'Emergency' in her kitty. Recently Kangana took to X and announced that she has postponed the release of the film."Dear friends, I have an important announcement to make, Emergency movie is the culmination of my entire life's learnings and earnings as an artist. Emergency is not just a film for me it's a test of my worth and character as an individual. Tremendous response that our teaser and other units got from everyone encouraged us all. My heart is full of gratitude and wherever I go people ask me about Emergency's release date," she wrote.' 'Emergency' was earlier scheduled to release on November 24 this year. In the film, she plays the role of India's first female Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. (ANI)