Actor and producer Dolly Dhananjay invited the chief minister of Karnataka Siddaramaiah to the screening of his upcoming movie 'Tagaru Palya'.
Dolly was accompanied by her co-star Tara. They extended his cordial invitation to Siddaramaiah. They gave him the invitation card and carried the meeting with CM. Recently, the trailer of the film was launched. 'Tagaru Palya' will make it to the theatres on October 27. 'Tagaru Palya' marks the directorial debut of Umesh K Krupa and introduces Amrutha Prem, the daughter of the renowned Kannada actor Prem (Nenapirali), as the female lead. Other actors feature Nagabhushana, Sharath Lohitashwa and Rangayana Raghu. The film revolves around a function where villagers cook food at the temple premises and offer it to the deity. The film aims to reflect the traditions and culture, portraying the essence of rural life in Karnataka. (ANI)