Actor Akshay Kumar, on Thursday, shared his 'Firsts' picture when he faced the camera.
The 'Mission Raniganj' actor dropped a throwback picture on Instagram where he wore a blue checked shirt. He can be seen posing for the camera. Calling the unseen picture a 'special', he wrote, "Your firsts are always special. And so is this photo, taken when I was first time in front of the camera and before I could realise, it soon became my first love, all thanks to your love. #ThrowbackThursday." Ranveer Singh reacted to the post and wrote, "Hayye" in the comment section. Fans bombarded the comment section with heart emojis in the comment section. On the work front, Akshay Kumar was recently seen in the film 'Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue' where he portrayed the role of Jaswant Singh Gill, a real-life unsung hero."Mission Raniganj is about 71 miners who were trapped three hundred and fifty feet below the coal mine and this Sardar Jaswant Singh Gill who was an engineer and was there at that time. Some people from France and from the UK also came. They all said that it is impossible to get them out, they're dead because there were almost trillion of gallons of water filled below with carbon dioxide sorted filling," Akshay Kumar told ANI. He added, "Then there comes a man who decides that I am going to save them. I don't know if there is any person who knows that it's sure death still he himself went down and took them out one by one and he himself came last. I have done so many films, this film won't be a commercial success but I can easily tell you it is the best film of my career. Ye meri sabse behtareen, sabse imaandaar, sabse sachchi aur sabse achi film hai. What matters to me is that I have made an honest film."'Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue', starring Akshay Kumar and Parineeti Chopra in the lead roles, was released in the theatres on October 6. Helmed by Tinu Suresh Desai it is produced by Vashu Bhagnani, Jackky Bhagnani, Deepshikha Deshmukh and Ajay Kapoor. The film is based on the true life event of the late Jaswant Singh Gill, who led India's first successful coal mine rescue mission. (ANI)