Actor Vijay Varma, who was seen in the movie 'Jaane Jaan' recently, walked the ramp for TASVA at Lakme Fashion Week 2023.
Among the stars, that graced the show he made his presence felt in Tarun Tahiliani's collection. He looked royal and graceful in 'bandhgala' with kurta and dhoti. He completed his look with a shawl and a necklace. Tarun's collection presented Indian culture and tradition. It is a homage to the timeless allure of luxury. It was a combination of magnificent look and comfort. Praising Tarun' collection, Vijay told ANI, "It was unique and one of a kind. Tarun called me to be part if it and the idea was to wear Indian outfit." "I think every men should choose outfit that goes well with their personality," he added. Vijay Varma's movie, 'Jaane Jaan' received postive response. It starred Kareena Kapoor. The movie has been selected as the opening film of The Himalayan Film Festival 2023. Helmed by Sujoy Ghosh, 'Jaane Jaan'Jaan' also stars Jaideep Ahlawat. The film is based in Kalimpong and is the official adaptation of the bestselling novel 'Devotion of Suspect X' by Keigo Higashino.(ANI)