Mumbai Police has registered a case of cyber fraud after actor Aftab Shivdasani was allegedly duped of Rs 1.49 lakh.
The complaint was filed at Mumbai's Bandra police station. According to the complaint, an alleged message came from the bank to the 45-year-old actor to update the PAN card, when the link of the message was clicked, a fake page of the bank opened. At that time, the cyber fraudster called Aftab from an unknown number and asked him to enter his mobile number and PIN. As soon as he entered the PIN, Rs 1,49,999 were deducted from Aftab's account. Bandra Police registered a case against an unknown person under Section 420 of the IPC and IT. Further investigation is on. Aftab is known for his role in films like 'Masti', 'Grand Masti', 'Hungama', 'Awara Paagal Deewana', and '1920: Evil Returns' among others. (ANI)