Pakistani actor Mahira Khan recently tied the knot with her long-time beau Salim Karim.
On Tuesday, the actor shared the first picture from her dreamy wedding with her husband in which they look like a regal couple. Taking to Instagram, Mahira shared the picture and wrote, Bismillah. In the romantic picture, the couple could be seen hugging each other under the veil. Thewedding reportedly took place in Pakistans Bhurban in the presence of family members and close friends. Soon after she dropped the first wedding picture, her friends and fans swamped down the comment section and dropped red hearts and fire emoticons. Actor Sonam Kapoor wished her saying, Congratulations beautiful girl. God bless you both. Actor Mouni Roy commented, Heartiest congratulations to both of you. Wish you the happiest most meaningful journey ahead. The Raees actor also shared a video from her marriage ceremony on her Instagram and captioned it, My Shehzada, Salim. In the video, Salim donned a black sherwani and blue turban, while the star looked gorgeous in her pastel lehenga and translucent veil. She was accompanied by her son Azlaan. Salim became emotional and was spotted crying tears of delight as bride Mahira walked down the aisle. He hugged her once as he removed her veil, and their love and strong chemistry drew everyone's attention. Reportedly, this is Mahira's second marriage since 2007. She was earlier married to Ali Askari and had a son by him in 2009. However, they separated in 2015. For quite some time, rumours about her relationship with Salim Karim had been doing the rounds. And, the actor has now confirmed what was in the realm of speculation by tyingthe knot with the love of her life. In one of her posts on Instagram, she wrote about her bonding with her son and also about her past relationship. Sharing the picture with her baby boy, she wrote in the caption, Exactly 10 years ago my life changed. I was a 24 year old girl with a baby in my arms celebrating my 25th birthday. These ten years feel like a thousand... with experiences worth a lifetime. I became a mother, I became an actor.. there was loss and separation, I witnessed success and fame. I fell in love. I lost hope at times and mustered up courage most of the time. I realised some of my dreams.. And had to let some go. And on this journey, I had all of you with me. Every step of the way. I wish I could write it all.. maybe one day I will. I am so grateful for everything - all of it. We are nothing without the people who have stood by us - you all are the wind beneath my wings. I thank you with all my heart and soul. I promise you all that I will pay it forward in every way I possibly can. InshAllah, she added. As I write this, here I am a 35 year old woman with a 10 year old not so baby boy, still wrapped in my arms. Thank you for the birthday wishes.. overwhelmed and overjoyed. Grateful. So grateful. Alhumdullilah, the actor added in her post. On the work front, she was seen in a number of Pakistani movies and shows, including Bol, Bin Roye, Manto, among others. She starred opposite Shah Rukh Khan in Raees in 2017. Among her most successful television shows was Humsafar, also featuring Pakistan's heartthrob Fawad Khan. (ANI)