Actor Sonu Sood, who is currently busy gearing up for his next on Tuesday offered prayer at Lalbaugcha Rajain Mumbai with his family. He was also spotted with choreographer and filmmaker Farah Khan.
Lalbaugcha Rajais a Lord Ganesha idol kept at Lalbaug, a locality in Mumbai, during the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi. Sonu can be seen wearing a white kurta pyjama while his wife Sonali Sood opted for the suit. Look at the other pictures: Not only Sonu but Shreyas Talpade and Shekhar Suman also seek blessings of Bappa. The history of theLalbaugcha Rajais quite famous as it is the popular Ganesh idol ofLalbaugcha RajaSarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mandal, located at Putlabai Chawl, a place of worship founded in 1934. The Lalbaugcha Raja Ganapati idol has been taken care of by the Kambli family for over eight decades. Lalbaugcha Rajas first look was unveiled earlier on Friday evening, days ahead of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival. Ganesh Chaturthi is a 10-day festival that starts on the fourth day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month 'Bhadrapada' and this year the festival commenced on September 19. The auspicious ten-day festival starts with 'Chaturthi' and ends on 'Anantha Chaturdashi'. It is believed that Lord Ganesh arrives on Earth during the festival and after the 10 days of blessings he showers on his devotees, he returns back to his parents Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati on 'Kailash Parvat'. Coming back to Sonus work front, Fateh stands as a thrilling action-packed film that has already ignited anticipation due to its captivating storyline and the involvement of Hollywood stunt coordinators. The conclusion of the San Francisco shoot adds another layer of excitement. The breathtaking backdrop of San Francisco has seamlessly enhanced the film's crucial action sequences and dramatic moments. Fateh is based on real-life instances of cybercrime experienced by people during the Covid-pandemic. Helmed by Vaibhav Mishra and the film stars Jacqueline Fernandez, Shivjyoti Rajput and Vijay Raaz in prominent roles. Some of the best names from Hollywood including the director of photography, research team, and action choreographers have been roped in for this film. (ANI)