Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur on Thursday congratulated veteran actor and politician Suresh Gopi on being nominated as the president of the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI).
Taking to X, Anurag Thakur wrote, Many congratulations to veteran film actor @TheSureshGopi ji on being nominated the President of the @srfti_official society & chairman of the governing council of @srfti_official for a period of 3 years. Your vast experience & cinematic brilliance are surely going to enrich this esteemed institute. I wish you a fruitful tenure. https://twitter.com/ianuragthakur/status/1704868929271951687 Suresh Gopi is a popular face of the Malayalam cinema and has also worked in Tami, Telugu, and Kannada films. He also won the prestigious National Film Award in the year 1997 for his performance in the film Kaliyattam. Recently, Union Minister Anurag Thakur also congratulated actor R Madhavan on being nominated as the president of the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII). Thakur earlier took to X (formerly Twitter) and wrote, Heartiest congratulations to @ActorMadhavan ji on being nominated as President of @FTIIOfficial and Chairman of the governing council. I'm sure that your vast experience & strong ethics will enrich this institute, bring positive changes, and take it to a higher level. My best wishes to you. R Madhavan has been nominated as President and chairman of the governing council of FTII for a period of three years. (ANI)