Filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari is coming up with a comedy-drama titled 'Tumse Na Ho Payega'.
Ishwak Singh, Mahima Makwana, Gaurav Pandey, Amala Akkineni, Gurpreet Saini, Parmeet Sethi and Meghna Malik feature in the film, which is touted to be a "fresh and light-hearted take on modern-day struggles of the youth of today."' On Wednesday, the makers unveiled the film's trailer. Take a look Sharing more details about the film, producer and writer Nitesh Tiwari, said, "Tumse Na Ho Payega was written with the intention to bring the story of every youngster in a middle-class household to screen. Whether it is the grind of a corporate job or chasing your childhood love or your lifelong dream of starting something of your own, Tumse Na Ho Payega is that relatable story!" Director Abhishek Sinha also opened up about the film. In a society where we are made to believe that the lines on the palm of your hand dictate your future, Tumse Na Ho Payega is a sincere attempt to convey that only you can define your success. Sometimes that could mean defying the rules set by society, ignoring those who dont believe in you and listening to that inner voice that says, Go for it!, to chase that dream with all youve got. Its what fueled our own pursuit in telling this story albeit with a little humour. We cant wait for you to experience this film which at some point will relate with your own personal growth journey." Sharing his experience working in 'Tumse Na Ho Payega'. "Tumse Na Ho Payega is a story that I relate to a lot, I feel like it's my story and I'm sure whoever watches it would feel the same. It's a light-hearted fun film with dollops of humor and a very strong theme that remains at the heart of it all: to follow one's dreams and not succumb to societal pressure. I think there comes a time in our lives where we feel that what we're doing is not our true calling, but we ended up doing it because someone else decided what's best for us. But then there's a moment when you tell yourself that I need to get out of this rut and do what I believe in and more importantly what makes you happy. It's the most difficult thing to come out and say I want to quit my job and pursue my passion. With nobody by your side, you're wondering where to go and what to do. That's the long road that my character Gaurav takes and in that journey which is nothing short of a wacky roller coaster ride, finds himself, his true calling and all that matters to him, said Ishwak. The film will be out on Disney+ Hotstar on September 29. (ANI)