Actor Sonali Bendre was stunned by the performance of 'India's Best Dancer Season 3' contestant Akshay Pal from Indore. He along with choreographer Vartika Jha performed hip-hop on the song 'Makhna'.
After looking at his performance, Geeta Kapur called their act as "one of the best acts that she has seen."Agreeing with Geeta, Sonali said, "Akshay, you create magic with your performance. Two weeks ago I said that I cannot see the Akshay that your brother had described; that Akshay used to be very naughty in his childhood. We only got to see a glimpse of him in the last few performances." "But today, I could see Akshay completely in your act. You truly enjoyed it today as you were smiling when you were performing. In your previous acts, you only chose to focus on your flaws, but today you were having fun. It was amazing," she added. Taking on flamenco, boogaloo, vogue and more international styles, the contestants grooved to the beats of 90s Bollywood classics while impressing the judges. 'India's Best Dancer 3' is judged by Terence Lewis, Geeta Kapur, and Sonali Bendre. The show airs on Sony Entertainment Television. (ANI)