Actors Jackie Shroff and Karan Kundrra, on Monday, joined Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant along with Amruta Fadnavis - the wife of Maharashtra Deputy CM to launch the #CleanAThon initiative, a cleanliness drive, at Miramar Beach in Panjim.
Speaking to ANI about this initiative, the CM said, "The message is to keep the beach clean. We always work to keep the coasts of Goa clean, and we will keep it clean in the future too." Adding to this, Amruta said, "I would just say kudos to Goa government, they have kept their beaches clean, the only thing is we are giving a reminder, a recall that yes we have to maintain this and see to it that others also do not litter." For this cleanliness drive, several people gathered at the beach, dressed in black and white uniforms, to get rid of the garbage. "Glad that a lot of people have turned up. We come to Goa, shoot and take away the best memories. This is reality of maintaining that beauty, we are doing everything," Karan stated. Meanwhile, Jackie urged people to treat the earth like our mother and said, "This is your mother earth. I think when you call someone mother you gotta respect it. I don't have to come from anywhere to say keep your beaches clean. Just clean your heart, be patriotic and stay clean. Don't litter around." (ANI)