Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan's girlfriend Saba Azad, on Saturday, reacted to a troller who called her outfit at Richa Chadha and Ali Faizal's reception party "cheeee", "eeew", "yaak".
Taking to Instagram, Saba shared a screenshot of the profile of the troller and her comment on Saba's post, which reads, "U were looking like chheeee, eeew, yaak, whatever you understand...Take it." Reacting to the troller, Saba wrote, "This is Shruti apparently she loves her love but she also just follows me to share her abundant hate - there are many like her out there - don't be like Shruti - feel free to unfollow me. Incidentally, Shruti hasn't met the block button yet - they shall be well acquainted soon!!" Richa and Ali's wedding reception which was held on October 4 in Mumbai, saw Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad among the early guests to arrive at the venue. Alongside posing for the cameras on the red carpet, Hrithik and Saba were all smiles for the camera. The 'Super 30' actor was dressed in a crisp black suit, on the other hand, Saba kept it all traditional, as she opted for a lustrous green kurta set. Meanwhile, Hrithik will be next seen in director Siddharth Anand's next action thriller film 'Fighter' alongside Deepika Padukone. Saba, on the other hand, Saba is a multi-talented actor and singer. She was a part of many noteworthy Bollywood films like 'Detective Byomkesh Bakshi', 'Shaandaar', and 'Karwaan' and she will be next seen in the film 'Songs of Paradise'. (ANI)