Sheetal Thakur, who recently tied the knot with Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey in a traditional ceremony, on Monday, shared beautiful pictures from her Mehendi ceremony.
Taking to her Instagram handle, she posted a series of pictures in which she could be seen beaming with happiness. Sheetal captioned the post by writing, "Din mehendi ka tha." For the occasion, she was seen wearing a shimmery rusty orange suit paired with a green coloured dupatta. Sheetal kept her tresses open with soft curls and rounded up her look with a pearl necklace and maang tikka. Out of the bunch, it was the last image that melted hearts as it showed the bride and the groom posing with each other. In it, the lovebirds couldn't take their eyes off each other while having a hearty laugh. On Sunday, Vikrant had treated his fans by sharing his Haldi pictures on Instagram. In the images, the newlyweds could be seen dressed in yellow and white outfits with their faces covered with Haldi (turmeric powder). The same post was also shared by Sheetal and she captioned it as, "Humari Haldi." Vikrant and Sheetal had gotten married on Friday in Himachal Pradesh. The duo, who featured together in the first season of the web series 'Broken But Beautiful', got engaged in a low-key Roka ceremony in 2019. However, their marriage was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (ANI)