Noted Tamil director Balaji Mohan, known for directing Dhanush's superhit 'Maari', on Tuesday announced that his production house Open Window is producing a Tamil web series being directed by his former associate director Vignesh Vijaykumar.
The Tamil web series, which was being produced in association with Trend Loud India Digital, features actors Prasanna, SPB Charan, Dhanya Balakrishna, Kaniha and 'Bigg Boss Tamil' contestant Suresh Chakravarthy, among others. Shooting was in progress, the director disclosed and added that the series, an urban comedy drama, would be wrapped up by February 2022. Written and directed by Vignesh Vijaykumar, shooting was on predominantly in and around Chennai, the director informed. Cinematography for the series is by Shiva G.R.N., while music is by Bharath Sankar. --IANS mani/kr ( 138 Words) 2022-01-18-17:58:06 (IANS)