Actor Tushar Chawla says that the ongoing track in 'Aggar Tum Na Hote' is going to get more interesting with every passing day. The actor plays the role of Dr Anand in the show.
"The current track shows that Abhimanyu (played by Himanshu Soni) has forgotten everything with respect to what happened when he was in Mumbai, which means he has forgotten Dr Anand, Niyati and everything that happened between them. Now, Anand (Tushar Chawla) has a chance to bring Niyati (Simaran Kaur) back into his life as that will make both of them happy. You have to watch the show to find out how he does it," he says. The show had lots of twists and turns. Tushar feels that it is important for a show to keep up the interest element to keep the audience engaged. "Audiences want to see something new in the story, plus you cannot just stick to the same track, you can only extend it to a certain point after that it becomes stagnant. I think the drama we are showing has connected with our viewers. What happens when a patient is unwell and what a caregiver does to make sure that the former feels better is what this show highlights. The story of the show is well-written, adding to that are the performances that are making things look real," he adds. Talking about how much he relates to the character, Tushar says that he is actually the opposite of Dr Anand. "I am a full on 'masti khor' sort of a guy on the set. Himanshu and I are a team. While his character is very relatable, for me, I have to do a lot of exercises before doing the scenes so that I can stay calm and composed in front of the camera. Talking about my look again is totally opposite. Anand sports a corporate and professional look, while I mostly wear casual attire," he says. The actor shares that the set vibes are fantastic, which is why everyone is happy performing and that shows on the screen. "We are a family, we do readings for the scenes and all of us try to keep a check on what more needs to be done. So yes it's all happy on the sets. It is amazing working with the producers. They are all amazing, caring and supportive. For any query you can literally talk to any one of them as they are easily available. They have actually created the vibes in such a way that we all enjoy while doing our jobs," he concludes. --IANS ila/kr ( 450 Words) 2022-01-13-13:06:02 (IANS)